Welcome to Remego, your partner in delivering cutting-edge contact centre solutions. Navigating the intricacies of contact centres involves numerous dimensions, and our curated blogs and informative videos are here to illuminate these aspects.
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from our partners and us

  • The Timeless Power of Email: Enhancing Contact Centre Efficiency with Modern Features

    In partnership with novomind, Remego presents iAGENT, a cutting-edge omnichannel Contact Centre solution seamlessly integrated platforms for communication channels like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. While focusing on email as a primary communication channel, this article explores the enduring relevance of email and how modern features can revolutionize contact centre operations. Despite being a mature technology, [...]

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  • Revolutionizing Conversation Intelligence with Alvaria CallMiner

    In our previous article, we explored how Speech Analytics contributes to a comprehensive 360° Customer View, shedding light on Alvaria CallMiner’s pivotal role in supporting advance conversational analytics. Now, let’s delve deeper into the robust features and capabilities of Alvaria CallMiner. Alvaria CallMiner stands as the global leader in conversation intelligence, empowering businesses to elevate [...]

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  • The impact of Data and AI on Contact Centre Practices – 360° Customer View

    In the ever-evolving landscape of customer support, contact centres are undergoing a transformative shift, driven by the integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). This dynamic duo is not just streamlining operations but revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. In this article, we explore the profound impact of data and AI on [...]

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  • Empowering Operational Excellence: Leveraging Paessler PRTG and Elastic on Insightful Network Monitoring

    A year ago, we deployed Paessler PRTG Network Monitor onto our customer’s site to monitor real-time system conditions such as bandwidth usage and collect statistics from hosts such as routers and switches. We then integrated a year’s worth of data into Elastic through custom grok filters in Logstash. Our focus was on specific router interfaces [...]

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  • Enhancing Customer Experience with Intelligent Conversations

    Enhancing Customer Experience with Intelligent Conversations

    Chatbots have long been a powerful addition to an organization’s customer support suite and are widely considered to have revolutionized this incredibly vital aspect of their business process. But as chatbots became more common, their shortcomings became more apparent, many of which centered around their static nature. However, with the help of AI, making chatbots [...]

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  • Enhancing Customer Experience With Unified Communication Channels

    Enhancing Customer Experience With Unified Communication Channels

    In today’s increasingly globalized world where consumers have a plethora of options on who to do business with and customer expectations are quite high, omnichannel customer service can make the difference between failure and success. An omnichannel contact center is basically software for call center integration in Singapore that allows customer service representatives to share [...]

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  • Chatbots With AI: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement And Support

    Chatbots With AI: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement And Support

    There is no doubt that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become a game changer in this era of digital transformation and now provides endless opportunities for organizations to further their processes. One such area where AI particularly shines is customer engagement and chatbot support. When enhanced with AI, chatbots become empowered to provide more personalized and [...]

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  • Effective Outbound Dialing Strategies For The Collections Industry

    Effective Outbound Dialing Strategies For The Collections Industry

    Outbound dialing is a crucial component of the collections sector, where successful negotiation and communication may result in debt recovery. However, managing this complicated environment calls for a mix of tact, observance, technology, and expertise. If an effective outbound dialer, coupled with solid technology solutions services, is applied, collection agencies can look forward to increasing [...]

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  • Contact Center Productivity: Understanding The Key Metrics

    Contact Center Productivity: Understanding The Key Metrics

    Estimating the effectiveness of your contact center operations requires looking at resources such as time, labor, and technology. On top of that, contact center productivity also hinges on two factors, agent motivation, and tools and environment they work in. As the name implies, agent motivation involves the human factor, and it determines whether employees do [...]

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  • Social Media Integration: Impact of Social Media in Contact Centers

    Social Media Integration: Impact of Social Media in Contact Centers

    In today's digital age, virtually everyone is present on at least one social media platform, which is why it has become a common sentiment among consumers to lean towards brands that are more active and transparent on social networking sites than those that aren't. Essentially, brand transparency is more important now than ever before. But [...]

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Strengthen your Contact Centre with Engaged Agents – Agents are the backbone of any contact centre and are critical to the success of a contact centre. Businesses should prioritize investing in agents’ training, tools, and well-being to ensure that they are motivated, engaged, and capable of delivery exceptional customer service.

Alvaria’s Motivate has a variety of game mechanics and reward to help contact centre focus on agent engagement. Motivate can be customized to fit your specific business needs, for example, motivate as a team or individual training to achieve targets.

With data-driven insights and continuous updates, management can be sure that they are always getting the most effective solution.

Check out some of the success stories that have implemented Motivate, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’re interested in learning more.

Read the Case Study

Balancing Professionalism and Collection Efficiency with Alvaria Dialler – As a collections professional, you know how challenging it can be to reach out to customers and collect overdue payments. With the current economic climate, the pressure to improve collections rates is greater than ever. At the same time, you need to handle overdue customers with professionalism.

Alvaria dialler’s powerful feature “best time to call” is designed to help collection agents connect with customers at the most optimal time. Compliance features such as TCPA and FDCPA ensure companies using Alvaria dialler comply with these regulations.

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AI –
Separating the signal from the noise



Find out more information on how novomind address the challenges and effectively integrate AI, especially NLP, into novomind iAGENT, Our goal is to provide a customer service solution that delivers high-quality responses, improved context awareness, and the perfect balance between machine learning and human empathy. Please refer to our AI Whitepaper.

Download AI Whitepaper

How do you communicate effectively in real estate?

Find out how novomind iAGENT help your organization to manage your customer communications / engagement over a variety of activities like queries on property sale and rental.

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Do you use WhatsApp to communicate with your Club members?

In any organization, keeping track of the communications that you have with your customer is the key to keeping them onboard and be engaged with you. One of keys to keeping them happy is the organization’s soft skill – that you can recall your conversations with them. That makes them feel taken care of.

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